Its good to see many people tagging now. And for the awards. Haha, I don't know you all la. You all decide who gets the award.
Anyway if anyone remembers, the morning assembly about the Dj thingy? Whoever wants the song can go download at Ideas by Zulaiha
And remember all the tests that we took this week? Let me remind everyone again: Chemistry Practical Test, Social Studies SBQ Test and POA Test. So far I only remember these three and you should know that maths class are separated. Anymore test just tell me. P.S I hate chemisty practical test very much though first two questions gave free marks.
Don't worry if there is no pictures here. I promise that the next incoming event, there will surely be some pictures here, k?
By Jordan.
grieving at 3:27 PM
Today we are gonna present the "Most Observant Student" award to Wenkai!
Reason: For spotting out an error in this blog. Yes there is an error!
This week who will we vote as the "Most entertaining student in our class"? Put your votes down. I know the most possible person would be Firman but come on, there is Jordan, Jonathan as well as the others...
grieving at 4:26 PM